Brand New Year of HOPE

January 7, 2016

It’s January 1st, 2016. This day is my day. It’s a day I’m giving myself. I’m filling my tank ~ allowing time to quietly and gratefully relive the special moments I enjoyed over the holidays, one more time ~ in my mind. Then I will write my life script for the coming year and lovingly pen thank you notes for all of the kindness and presents I have received.

There is 1 card for a kind soul whose name I do not know, but whose gift I have not forgotten…

I began my mad dash on Christmas Eve. I had ordered a few things online, but most of my shopping was still ahead of me. I donned my Christmas socks, mapped out my stops and asked for Grace to allow me to complete everything on my list… with ease.

The first shop didn’t have the present I needed.

That store was located across the parking lot from Trader Joe’s, which wasn’t on my list. I decided to pop in for a few of the grocery items that were. Beau and I host Christmas dinner so ingredients for our traditional festive fare were high priority. I’m not very familiar with the store, it was really crowded and I spent more time than I had allotted. I felt a bit anxious as I unloaded my cart at the check out counter, contemplating the order and timing of my other stops.

When I stepped in front of the clerk, he looked up and said “Good morning, Sunshine!” I wished him a “good morning” in return. Moments later his words registered and brought a Santa-size smile to my face. I thanked him very much for the warm greeting.

That sweet person called me “Sunshine”. Three little words, “good morning Sunshine”, from someone I don’t know, put me right back in my Christmas-elf self. Thank you, kind sir!

On Christmas Eve and Christmas morning I received many precious gifts. They were rich in color, texture and love; a necklace and charms from my hubby. A stunning bracelet with champagne colored pearls and sparkling beads from our son. Jars of honey. Shiny bracelets from Mom. My nephew handcrafted beautiful wooden serving utensils for me. Everything seemed to have a golden hue.

Then, while I was cooking Christmas dinner, my sister came into my kitchen with a small box. Tied to the package was a magnet for my fridge………….

‘you are so much sunshine to the square inch” ~Walt Whitman

Knowing that she thought of me when she read those words lit me up with joy!

Later, it stopped me in my tracks. Brittany Hope Bishop was our Sunshine. When I look around my home there are pieces that remind me. A framed picture from my niece to Britt with pictures of them as little girls and another as teenagers. Meaghan added the words to the song You Are My Sunshine between the photos. I have a flower vase in my bedroom, hand painted by a friend, with those words; you are my Sunshine. She created it in memory of Brittany Hope. Brittany’s grave marker says “Our Sunshine”.
I took notice of all of these things around me. I felt the connection, then I heard a soft voice in my mind whisper, “Go ahead, Mom. Shine a little brighter. You can do it! Someone needs you to light their path. They need HOPE, Mom. I’m with you. I’ll help.”

That’s the heart of my life script this year. I desire to be more sunshine to the square inch. I will leave a little with each person I meet and on each page that I write. I HOPE you’ll feel it! I’ve got a great little helper.

Thank YOU for being in my world! May this day begin your HAPPY, happiest, new year!

With much love, Kellie

P.S. My phone just beeped and said, “Battery fully charged.” There’s my sign! My tank’s full. I’m ready for 2016!