It's 2017!

January 6, 2017

How did you begin the new year?

Did you watch the ball drop in Times Square?

I said I wouldn’t. But I did…. I planned to be in bed early~to begin the New Year well rested. Instead, I found myself delightfully caught up in the music. I watched performers on television until the ball dropped and ’17 officially began.

Since I was up, I sent text messages to a number of people I love (whom I thought might also be up), wishing them a very HAPPY new beginning. Then I laid down to rest.

When I awoke, there was a reply from one of my friends, a woman much younger than myself. “I want to run away! My life is more than I can handle right now. We need to talk.”  

She doesn’t live in the U.S.  Our calls are infrequent. She’s a mother~walking that tightrope; balancing work, family, finances AND emotions. The rest of her message gave me clues about what was currently off-kilter.

I responded….

First, take 3 deep breaths….slow, intentional, deeeeep breaths with your eyes closed.

Begin today to write down all of the blessings you experienced in 2016. Then tomorrow, begin writing down your ideal life in 2017. You cannot have both fear and faith…so let’s focus on FAITH. Now, breathe again and repeat these words; “This, too, shall pass. Everything always works out for me. Everything always works out.”

I have repeated those words many times in the past twelve months; This, too, shall pass. Everything always works out.”

I told her our door was open if she wanted to get away and spend a little time with Beau & I.

Her message that night said, “I love you, Kel. I had to do what you said, and smile, after reading your text.”

The next morning I wrote, “I love to hear you laugh!” My phone rang within seconds, and we shifted her burdens while she fixed breakfast before her family awakened.

I followed my own advice. I got out my journal and wrote down what I was grateful for last year. I could more clearly see my accomplishments and the goals I DID achieve. It’s amazing. When life is behind us, it’s clear to see how what seemed “bad” evolved into something better! We’re often blinded by the darkness of the moment. Then we forget what we managed to get through when the sun is shining so magnificently.

2016 was filled with contrasts. It was tumultuous in many ways, which helped me to garner blessings and the life lessons necessary to grow. In my world, it was a year to go within; to “release”, let go, forgive, and to intensely feel all of the spectrums of my emotions. It was a time to learn when to be quiet; not speak even when I believed I had something to add (that was a challenging one for me!), and instead, write deeply in my own private pages. I let so much “fall apart”~ I acknowledged my anxiety, confusion, anger, frustrations and previously unidentified fears.

In the end, the world kept turning. That work is done and I’ve stopped holding my breath. I’m excited to begin the next dynamic chapter of my story.

I’m keeping this terrific quote, adapted from writing by Wallace D. Wattles, within reach at all times~

“All that is POSSIBLE is seeking expression through you….God wants those who can play music to have pianos and every other instrument, and to have the means to cultivate their talents to the fullest extent; He wants those who can appreciate beauty to be able to surround themselves with beautiful things. He wants those who can discern truth to have every opportunity to travel and observe; He wants those who can appreciate dress to be beautifully clothed, and those who can appreciate good food to be luxuriously fed.”

I believe 2017 is going to be fabulous.

What about you? Can you feel something marvelous about to begin?

I wish YOU the means to cultivate your talents to the fullest extent. We each have much to offer.

With love,