Welcome to Kellie's World

August 21, 2014

I am absolutely delighted and honored that you signed up to read messages coming from InKelliesWorld. You may have been asking where is Kellie instead of where is Kellie’s World!

I sincerely apologize for the delay in expressing my gratitude. I’ve been experiencing “technical difficulties”. They had absolutely nothing to do with the internet or my fabulous web design team at Brightflow.net. The technical difficulties were, well…..me. I write everyday, but I didn’t know how to do a blog post. I have little quotes I love to share, but I didn’t know how to Tweet. I take beautiful pictures on my morning walks, but Instagram wasn’t something I was familiar with. I think you’re getting the picture!

I’ve been stuck thinking about all of the things others do with such ease that I didn’t know how to do. Today is a brand new baby day and I’m forging ahead. I’m looking at this differently. I can do all of these things and I can do them with ease because I want to share all of the joy that I feel in Kellie’s World. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity and helping me to grow.

All that needs to change is your point of view. What will you look at differently today?

Have fun!
— Kellie